Covid 19 level 4 updates, August 2021

Covid 19 level 4 updates, August 2021

Level 4 lockdown update, August 18 2021

***Update Friday 20/8 - Due to cases in an Auckland Courier Post depot we are expecting delays to some Auckland parcels. Please check your tracking, allow for an extra day and be patient!***

Hi everyone!

Well, here we go again 🤦‍♂️ It's time to reset your Zoom login, fire up another sourdough starter and hunker down for another (hopefully relatively short) shift at home, as our team of 5 million takes on the Delta variant - the sequel none of us wanted 🤣

Here's the deal about how your favourite speedcube store's going to roll during level 4:


I'm pleased to announce that I've been given the all clear by Courierpost to continue shipping during level 4! 🎉 It's possible that there may be delays since we know that the postal service's use spikes during lockdowns, but they mostly kept on top of it last time, and they smashed it during Christmas last year so I'm confident they'll do great :)

How we'll do it:

Our main man in shipping is Chris, who normally ships parcels from my workshop on my property in Lyttelton. Since I have moved the family to our other spot in Geraldine for lockdown as my wife works down here, that means Chris is able to continue work without any risk of our bubbles overlapping.

Chris will also be implementing level 4 precautions when he is working, including regular hand sanitising during shifts and wearing a mask at all times during packing. He will also have no contact with our courier, Bhavesh, who I'd like to thank on all of your behalf for continuing to work on the front line do keep the country moving!

Retail store

The retail store is closed, and will remain so until we reach level 2, when it will open with restrictions in place. These include mandatory scanning, hand sanitising and limited numbers allowed into the shop at one time. 

So that's the plan!

All that remains to say is stay safe, look after yourselves and your bubble and get practicing! Fingers firmly crossed that we'll be able to get thjis outbreak under control and the rest of the years competitions and events won't be effected :)


Mike, Chris and the rest of the staff at ❤️

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