• M, Wellington NZ

    I wanted to quickly say how much I appreciate the excellent service you provide. 

    My son is 7 and very, very into his cubes… and is building up his speedcube collection - he is always over the moon when a package arrives from you! :)

  • C, Wellington NZ

    I had heard about it from friends at School, who all said that the service was great.What I got was even more than what they said I would get! I would definitely recommend this to any cuber, of any age, and ability.

  • H, Picton NZ

    WOW, hands down the BEST customer service response I have ever had in all my (somewhat considerable!) years. Congrats on nailing the customer service - it's a rare but extremely valuable commodity these days.

  • P, Runanaga NZ

    Just want to tell you how blown away I am with your service. You took the time to explain to me about the world of Speed cubing ...being a grandmother in my sixties, not a world I am overly familiar with! You are an absolute perfect example of why we should all be backing small NZ business enterprises.

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